Friday 21 November 2014

Martin Parr

Research Martin Parr
1. Critique the technique. 

Is any area overexposed or underexposed? If so, can you say why you think that happened? How could the photographer prevent this problem in the future? 
In the image chosen above, the exposure is good, this is because it is not overexposed or underexposed.

Is the main subject in focus? Is it sharp focus, or a "soft" focus? Is the focus appropriate for the situation? 
This image has a sharp but soft focus in some places, for example the main woman at the front has a sharp focus but the women in the back have a soft focus.

Depth of Field (DOF).
Is the DOF shallow or deep? Does the DOF work in this shot, or should more (or less) of the photo be in focus? 
The depth of field in this image is shallow, i know this because the focus is on the woman at the front and not those at the back, i personal think that if they would of made the dept of field a little stronger to make the focus more on the woman at the front the image would of been better, as you can see the women in the back clearly and in some are just out of focus, this is why i believe the image would benefit with a stronger depth of field.

Lighting / White balance.
Is the light soft or harsh? Does the type of lighting enhance or detract from the things in the photo? Is the white balance set correctly? Is there a yellowish, orangey, or greenish cast to the photo? 
The lighting in this image is soft, this is because Parr has used bounce flash, the lighting does neither enhance or detract from the things in the photo. There are no colour casts to this photo, the colour balance is set correctly.

2. Critique the composition. 
Centred vs. "Rule of Thirds".
Is the main subject in the centre of the frame? Is it on a third? Somewhere else? Does the chosen composition work, or would you have done something differently? 

The subject of the photograph is not in the centre, its is a rule of thirds, this is because she isn't centred she on the left side, i think having the rule of thirds does work.

Fore, Middle, and Backgrounds.
(Most applicable to landscape photos) Does the photo contain all three? If not, do you think it would be better if it did? 
 I think the image does contain a fore, middle and background. As the main subject which is the girl would be the foreground. The girls which are behind her would be the middle ground and the other people and walls etc would be the background.

Is there wasted empty space is the photo? Should the crop have been tighter? Is it cropped so tightly that important parts of the photo have been cut-off? 

I think the image could of been cropped, Theres no space wasted but the crop could be tighter, I personally think that the image could be cropped closer to the main images, being the girl, I could of come in more near her back to get rid of the bit behind her, I think t it could of been cropped on the other side but it would get rid of the character of the photo, I think that the women in the middle and background make it better.
Colour / Tonal Range.
What type of colours do you see? Did the photographer use many primary colours? Secondary? Complementary? Are the colours too vivid? Not vivid enough? If you are looking at a B&W photo, is there a true black, true white, with a large tonal range in between, or is the photo too "grey"? 
There are no primary or secondary colours, the main colours used are very natural, there are whites and blacks and browns.

Diagonals, S-Curves, etc.
Did the photographer make use of any visually interesting elements, such as diagonal lines or S-curves? 

In this image there are quite a lot of triangles that keep your eye in the picture as well as diagonal lines but there are not s-curves.

Leading lines.
Do the lines and overall composition make you want to look deeper into the photo? Is your eye drawn into the photo, or out of it? 

 My eyes are drawn to the main image, but after a while they wander off to things behind and next to her as they are still slightly in focus.

Dark vs. Light areas.
Are there too many bright areas? Too many dark areas? 

There is a mixture of a lot of dark and light areas, I personally don't think theres too many or too little.

Is the photo "balanced"? Would it be better if there were other objects or other light/dark areas in the frame to improve the balance? If the photo is off balance, is there a reason for it? 

I think the photo is slightly off balance due to the fact that half of the image is very bright, with a lot of whites involved and the other is dark with a lot of blacks, I personally think that the photographer did this to show different contrasts within the image, i think with the black being so bold it distracts your eye from the main image who is on the bright side, it feels like something is at the side of your eye so you have to look.

3. How does it make you feel?
What mood do you see in the photo? 

My mood for this image is neutral, I'm not happy or sad, or entertained or bored, I'm in the middle, it doesn't get to me, its just sort of there.

Do you think this mood is what the photographer intended? 
Im not sure what mood the photographer intended, if it is the mood i feel then i can feel what is intended but if its another mood then I'm not sure what it could be as i don't really feel anything.

Does it make you happy? Sad? Angry? 

Did the photographer succeed in telling his/her story with the photograph? Why or why not? 

There is no story to this image, there was no name, it was in a folder titled "Paris" so he did succeed in showing us his story of Paris but not in this one image you would have to look at them as a collective group.

Do you like the photo? In addition, more importantly, say WHY you like the photo, or why you do not. 

I do like this photo, I'm not too sure why I do, I think its just the way it is, the way they're  dressed down, in a simple white robe but they're faces and hair are done up, ready for their show, I think I like that side of the photo.

Would you hang this photo on your wall? Why or why not?

I would not hang this image on my wall, this is because I do not want random women on my wall as nice as the photo is, pictures I would put on my wall will have relevance and meaning to my life.

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