Monday 19 January 2015

5 Images Chosen

Image 1:
This image was quite difficult to take due to my rabbit knocking the glasses off, but after multiple tries I ended up using this image, though it has its desired effect the rabbit wearing gasses similar to Parrs picture of the dog in glasses and a hat, I feel like I could of done more for this image. There is a lot of background things involved which are not helping the image, also the image was not taken straight so the framing was off.

Image 2:

Again, like in my previous image though there is not a lot of things in the background that you can see there is still things which distract the eye, the framing could of been straighter so the plate, which is slightly square, would of fit better. I feel like the steam from the food makes the image look not as good also. I think if it took a few more I would of gotten the desired image.

Image 3:
 In this image i chose to criticise it because the cup is not centred and I could of benefited from using the rule of thirds in this image and straightening out the board underneath the cup. I feel like with this I should look more closely at the set before I take the image so next time it is in line with the board and the cup was more centred.

Image 4:
This image was not the easiest to take, due to me not having them on a wall I had to use the floor for my background and I could not get high enough and over it enough to get the right picture. The lighting was also a problem in this image as because the plates had a shine to them the light had a reflection in the plates which would look better without the shine. I think next time I do an image like this I will have to fine an easier way to get higher up and right over them.

Image 5:
This image could of gone a lot better, I should of got it at a different angle, I feel like though It isn't too bad it could of gone a lot better. I should of put a compositional rule into place to make the image better. I think next time I will do the picture just as the cigarette is lit so I hove longer to do the shoot so I can get it just right.

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