Friday 16 January 2015

Personal Project Plan

Image 1:
My first image chosen was of two slices of buttered bread, in order to re create this image I will have to get a piece of bread and butter it, then I will have to cut them diagonally or straight to add my own twist to the image so it is not exactly the same, the back ground used for this will be a simple plate on a side, as if there are a lot of things in the background it will be very distracting. The shutter speed I will use in this image would be around 1/100, my aperture will be around f5 and my ISO will be at around 200. These are not set decisions as it could change during the shooting process

Image 2:
This image is of a full english breakfast, in order to do this I will have to, rather order or create a english breakfast on my own, but the english breakfast will not be the same as the original image. The shutter speed I will use will be around 1/200 or maybe 1/100, the aperture will be f6 or lower and the ISO will be around 200, again like the previous plan these are not set in stone they could change during the shoot.

Image 3:
This image is of a woman with a cigarette between her fingers, I'm assuming at a beach because of the bikini, the shine and tan. My Image will not be like this, it will be of my dad sat a home with a cigarette in-between his fingers but fully clothed and on a couch inside. My shutter speed will be around 1/400 and my aperture will be at around f6 the ISO will be at 100/200.

Image 4:
Image 4 is of a swan at a beach, for me to have a re construction of this image I would have to go to the local park, and if I cannot find a swan I would have to use a duck or maybe a goose, the shutter speed on this image will have to be around the 1/300 or maybe higher, the aperture will be around f4 and the ISO will be around 100.

Image 5:
This image is of decorative plates hung up on the wall, to do this, as I will not be able to put them on the wall I will have to put them on my floor and use a tripod to get a steady picture of them higher up, the shutter speed will be similar to the others, around 1/200 and the aperture about f4/5 the ISO will be 100 or 200.

Image 6:
My sixth image chosen to recreate is of a dog wearing sun glasses, to do this I will have to rather use my dog or rabbit to have a different spin on the picture, I'm not sure if this will work straight away so It may take multiple tries, as will a few of this images to just get it right. Shutter speed will be around 1/400, aperture will be around f6 and the ISO will be at 200.

Image 7:
This image is of a cup of tea on a saucer, as I do not have a cup like this or a saucer I will have to do it differently to the original. I will have to make a cup of tea or maybe a coffee or hot chocolate to make it different and then I will have to set my shutter speed at around 1/200 my aperture at f5 and the ISO at 100.

Image 8:
My eighth image is of a person wearing head phones, you can only see the persons head, to recreate this image I will have to have somebody face forward while wearing a set of headphones, the shutter speed will be an average speed of 1/300 the aperture will f6 the ISO around 200.

Image 9:
For this image of a woman at a sewing machine I will have to get somebody to sew, or at least look like they're sewing something on the machine and then take the image from a different angle to give it a different look. The shutter speed will be at 1/400 the aperture will be around f3 and the ISO will be at 200.

Image 10:
My final image choice was of a rail at the beach, to re create this image, I will have to keep the leading line in as it is a good feature, but I will have to find a rail or something like it. The shutter speed for this image will be at around 1/200 the aperture will be around f5 and the ISO will be at 100.

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